
Opening & Saving

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson you will learn how to open a project file and you will get started learning the User Interface in Revit.

Creating a New Project

  1. Launch the Autodesk Revit Software you downloaded in the last lesson.
  2. Click the New ... button under the Models section. This should open the New Project dialogue box.
  3. Change the dropdown so that you have the Imperial-Architectural Template option selected.
  4. Make sure the Project Option is selected; not the "Project Template" option.
  5. Click OK

Getting to know the User Interface

Blank User Interface

Your screen should look something like this; Highlighted are the main sections of the Revit Interface and we will give them names so we are all on the same page.

  • The Red Boxed area is called the "Ribbon"
  • The Blue Boxed area is called the "Properties Palette"
  • The Gree Boxed area is called the "Project Browser"

Browse through the different Ribbon tabs to familiarize yourself with where a lot of the buttons are.

Note: on each tab the buttons are in groups called "sections"

Importing a CAD File

  1. On the Ribbon click on the Insert tab.
  2. In the Import section click on Import CAD
  3. From the dialogue box that pops up navigate to the file that you can download at the top of this page.
  4. Make sure that before you click "Open" that your selections match this: Import Options
  5. Click Open

Save the file

Save the Revit file as: Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB00_EX01.rvt

Cover Image Credits: archcgi.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Download & Installation

Lab00 E0

Previous LessonDownload & Installation

This article goes over how to download and install Revit on your computer and make sure that you have all of the libraries needed to complete these assignments

Modeling Walls

Lab01 E1

Next LessonModeling Walls

This article goes over how to place interior and exterior walls in revit with an underlay.