
Creating Custom Stairs

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson you will learn how to edit the sketch to change the stair boundary and shape of risers. You will learn how to change stair and rail types, and modify the steepness of a stair by adjusting it's properties. Finally you will learn how to create a spiral stair.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Create a Stepper Studio Stair

  1. Open Revit file: Lab04_E2_Modeling Custom Stairs.rvt
  2. Open First Floor plan view.
  3. Delete the stair in the studio so we can make a new steeper one.
  4. On the architecture tab click on the Stair Button.
  5. In the properties palette select the Residential - Open Riser stair type.
  6. Click Edit Type then Duplicate.
  7. Name the new star Residential - Open Riser - Steep. properties
  8. Set the Maximum Tread Depth to 0' 9" and set the Maximum Riser Height to 0' 9" treads
  9. Click OK to accept the changes.
  10. Draw the new stair and see how it takes up less room.
  11. Move the stair to it's final position as shown. final

Create a Spiral Stair

  1. In the First Floor plan view pan down to the red dashed in area where the spiral stair will be placed.
  2. On the Architecture tab click on the Stair button.
  3. In the properties palette select the stair type Residential - Open Riser
  4. Click Edit Type then Duplicate and set the new stair types name as Residential - Open Riser - Spiral. properties
  5. Set the Maximum Tread Depth to 0' 11" and the Maximum Riser Height to 0' 10" teeads
  6. Click OK to accept the new type.
  7. On the ribbon choose the Full-Step Spiral stair draw mode. button
  8. Click on the marked spiral stair center point.
  9. Type 2 while drawing to set the center radius to 2' 0". Don't worry about orientation yet.
  10. Click on the green check mark to finish drawing stair. See Progress below: progress
  11. Flip the stair by clicking on it, then notice the little blue arrow that pops up. Click that. flip
  12. Use the rotate tool on the ribbon to rotate the stair into this orientation: rotated
  13. Click on the railing and change it's type to Handrail - Pipe
  14. Add a center pole for the spiral stair by clicking on the little arrow below Column to select Column: Architectural
  15. Select the Round Column 8" type in the properties palette and set it's constraints to Roof. column
  16. Place this column in the center of the stair.
  17. Open the First Floor - Spiral Stair 3D View to see the stair: final spiral

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB04_EX02.rvt

Cover Image Credits: arch2o.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Creating Stairs & Ramps

Lab04 E1

Previous LessonCreating Stairs & Ramps

Learn how to place a stair and ramp in your model

Creating Floor Openings

Lab04 E3

Next LessonCreating Floor Openings

Create a floor opening for a the spiral stair created in the previous lesson and add a protective railing around it.