
Creating Elevators

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson you will learn how to place an elevator component, add walls to enclose the elevator, cut an elevator shaft between all levels, and provide openings in the shaft walls to access the elevator at each floor.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Place the Elevator Components

  1. Open Revit file: Lab04_E4_Creating an Elevator.rvt.
  2. Open the First Floor plan view.
  3. On the architecture tab click on the Component tool and select the Electric_Lift 1000 x 880mm
  4. Place the elevator component at the location shown with the edge aligned with the fall face. place
  5. Select the just placed elevator and use the Copy to Clipboard command on the ribbon. copy
  6. Open the Second Floor plan view.
  7. On the Modify tab click on the little arrow below the Paste button to select the Aligned to Current View button. This pastes the elevator just above the previous elevator. second elevator

Add Elevator Enclosure Walls

  1. Open the First Floor plan view.
  2. On the architecture tab click on the Wall tool. Choose the Generic Wall - 6" type.
  3. Set the height constraint to Roof
  4. Place walls around the elevator as shown: first wall
  5. Open the Second Floor plan view.
  6. Place a wall on the front face like before as shown: second wall

Create Openings for Elevators

  1. Open the Second Floor plan view.
  2. On the architecture tab click on the Wall Opening tool. opening tool
  3. Place the opening as shown below: opening
  4. Select the wall opening element and change the Top Constraint to be Unconstrained in the properties palette.
  5. Set the Unconnected Height to 7' 0 " properties
  6. Open the First Floor plan view and repeat the steps to create an opening on this floor too.
  7. Open the Second Floor - Elevator 3D view to check progress. elevator opening

Add Guardrails

  1. Open the Second Floor plan view.
  2. On the architecture tab click on the Railing tool. Select the Guardrail - Pipe type.
  3. Place 3 railings as shown below. These all need to be done separately since Revit requires railings to be contiguous. railings
  4. Open the Second Floor - Elevator 3D view to check your work. (Pay attention to the side of the railing the hand rail is on and flip if needed) railings

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB04_EX04.rvt

Cover Image Credits: genesisstudios.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Creating Floor Openings

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Previous LessonCreating Floor Openings

Create a floor opening for a the spiral stair created in the previous lesson and add a protective railing around it.

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