
Creating New Families

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson we will use the family editor to add reference planes, dimensions, and parameters. We will test these parameters and define family types. Then we will use the different family types in our model.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Add Reference Planes for the Frame Component

  1. Open Revit file: Lab05_E3_Creating New Families.rvt
  2. Open the First Floor plan view and zoom in on the residence on the south side of the building.
  3. Select the console table component and click Edit Family like in the previous lesson.
  4. Open the Ref. Level plan view.
  5. On the Create tab click on the Reference Plane button. ref plane
  6. Click on the Pick Lines tool. pick lines
  7. On the options bar (below the ribbon) set the offset value to 1".
  8. Add a reference plane just inside each of the outer reference planes. (Click near the leftmost and rightmost green dashed lines to add a new reference plane just inside them, and on the topmost and bottom most reference planes to add new ones just inside them too). ineside planes horiz ineside planes

Add Annotation Dimensions between the Reference Planes

  1. On the Annotate tab click on the Aligned dimension tool. aligned
  2. Create the 4 dimensions showed below: dims

Make these Annotations Parameters Instead

  1. Click on one of these new 1" dimensions lines.
  2. On the ribbon click on the Add Parameter button as shown. add parameter
  3. Name it Frame Thickness as shown then click OK parameters
  4. Select the other 3 1" dimension annotations.
  5. Use the Label dropdown to assign it to the Frame Thickness Label. label

Check Flex Parameters to Move Ref Planes with Model

  1. On the Modify tab click on the Family Types button. family types
  2. Use the dropdown to change the type name to 30" L x 30" W x 16" H. Then click OK type
  3. Confirm that your model moved and looks like our below. If not You might have not added your reference planes and Frame thickness dimensions annotations correctly: square

Add Separate Console Table Top Element

  1. Select the outer extrusion component then Edit Extrusion edit extrusion
  2. Use the rectangle draw tool to create another square on the inside of the frame. This will create a hole in the table. frame
  3. Confirm the changes.
  4. Confirm everything is still flexing properly by switching back to the long table version like we did before.

Create the table surface

  1. Change your model back to the square table.
  2. Click on the Extrusion tool and use the rectangle draw tool to create a square inside the frame. tabletop
  3. Open the Front elevation view. Note that the tabletop is the gray box that is extending all the way to the ground.
  4. Click on the tabletop component. bad tabletop
  5. In the properties palette click on the little gray rectangle next to the Extrusion End constraint. Set it to Table Height. This will make sure the table top is always at the top.
  6. Add a reference plane 1" below the table top like we have before.
  7. Create an aligned dimension between the table top and the new reference plane.
  8. Select this new dimension and create a parameter Surface Thickness. surface thickness
  9. Select the 4" dimension and create a parameter Frame Height. frame height
  10. Click on the Align tool align
  11. Click on the new reference plane for Surface Thickness and then click on the bottom of the tabletop component.
  12. Click on the lock icon to make it a permanent relationship. locked
  13. Repeat this process for the frame height ref plane and the bottom of the frame since the frame not currently locked to the ref plane.
  14. Confirm everything is moving correctly by switching to the longer version and back again.

Assign Materials

  1. Open the {3D} 3D view.
  2. Select the table surface component and then on the parameter button (the little gray rectangle) next to the material constraint.
  3. Click on the New Parameter button.
  4. Name the new parameter Table Surface. and set it to an instance parameter. new parameter
  5. Click OK twice to confirm the new material parameter.

Load and use Family in Project

  1. Save the family component.
  2. Load the family into your project. You can overwrite the existing version and it's parameter values.
  3. Place another instance of the console table next to the wood accent wall.
  4. Replace the table next to the window with the longer version through the properties palette. See locations below: table locations
  5. Open the Residence 3D View.
  6. Change the table surface materials of both tables. Set the smaller table to White Panel and the larger one to Glass
  7. Confirm yours look the same as ours below: tables done

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB05_EX03.rvt

Cover Image Credits: thisisabdul.wordpress.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Modifying Family Definitions

Lab05 E2

Previous LessonModifying Family Definitions

Modify an Existing Floor Lamp family to create a variation for use in other projects

Creating Plan Views

Lab06 E1

Next LessonCreating Plan Views

Learn how to duplicate existing views and repurpose them to create dedicated views for specific functions.