
Creating Plan Views

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson we will create new plan views b using the Plan View tool or by duplicating existing plan views. We will then learn how to select which types of elements should appear in a plan by setting visibility graphics overrides. We will learn how to crop views, adjust the view range, clipping plane, etc.. We will also learn how to set an underlay in a view for seeing the floor below. We will also change the scale of a plan view and adjust the detail level shown.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Create a Structural Plan View

  1. Open the Lab06_E1_Creating Plan Views part.rvt Revit File.
  2. Open the First Floor plan view.
  3. Duplicate the First Floor plan view by right clicking on it in the Project Browser. Then selecting Duplicate View -> Duplicate
  4. Rename the copied version to Level 1 - Structural by right clicking on the new view and selecting Rename...
  5. Open the new Level 1 - Structural view if it's not already open.
  6. On the view tab click on the Visibility / Graphics button. Or use the shortcut by typing VG vg
  7. Uncheck Furniture and Furniture Systems in the visibility column. Click OK to confirm.
  8. Since this is a structural view it would be nice if the columns appeared in a heavier line weight. Open the Visibility / Graphics menu again like before. Scroll down and expand the Structural Columns category.
  9. Click on the Override... button in the Cut > Lines column. (It may be invisible until you click in the cell where it should be).
  10. Set the Line Graphics to Solid pattern with Red color and 8 for the weight. Click OK twice. line graphics
  11. Your columns should now be drawn in thick red lines. If the thickness is not changed, check that you are not in Thin Line mode.

Create a Furniture Plan View

  1. Duplicate the First Floor plan view again.
  2. Rename the copied version to Level 1 - Furniture.
  3. Open the new Level 1 - Furniture view if it's not already open.
  4. Open the Visibility / Graphics menu and we want to set everything that isn't furniture to a half tone. To do this scroll down to Furniture and Furniture Systems and select those rows by holding Ctrl and clicking on both of them.
  5. Once selected click on the Invert button. This will select everything that wasn't selected already in the list.
  6. Now click on the Halftone checkbox on any of these selected rows and it will apply the option to all of them. Click OK to confirm. halftone
  7. Use the steps we took before to give the furniture items a Solid Orange line with a weight of 6 for the Projection/Surface > Lines column. Click OK to confirm. orange line graphics
  8. All furniture should now be Orange.

Create a Level 1 Residence Only Plan View

  1. Duplicate the First Floor plan view again.
  2. Rename the copied version to Level 1 - Residence.
  3. Open the new Level 1 - Residence view if it's not already open.
  4. Click on the Show Crop Region button below the viewport to show the view extents. show crop view
  5. Use the blue circle handles to shrink the view extents down to focus only on the residence residence

Create a Level 2 Residence View

  1. Repeat the steps we took to create the Level 1 - Residence view but for the Second Floor.
  2. Notice that we can't see down into the first level. Let's fix that. Scroll down in the Properties palette to the Extents section and click the Edit.. button next to View Range.
  3. Set the View Depth -> Level dropdown to Level Below (First Floor). Click OK to confirm. view range res 2 final

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB06_EX01.rvt

Cover Image Credits: archdaily.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

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