
Doors and Windows

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson you will learn how to add doors and windows to your walls. You will also learn how to change the placement once inserted. Then you will learn how to change door window and height properties

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Place Exterior Doors

Doors are hosted elements, so to place hover over a wall and then left click when the preview lines up with where you want to place it.
If the door is swinging in the wrong direction you can press space bar to flip it before placement.
  1. Open the Revit file: Lab01_E2_Adding Doors and Windows.rvt
  2. Open the Ground Floor view.
  3. On the Architecture tab click on the Door button.
  4. In the Properties Palette, select the door type Double-Glass 48" x 102".
  5. Place the door at each location where the underlay is identified as Type A on the outer walls.
  6. In the Properties Palette, select the door type Single-Glass 24" x 102".
  7. Place the door at each location where the underlay is identified as Type B on the outer walls.

Place Interior Doors

  1. On the Architecture tab click on the Door button.
  2. In the Properties Palette, select the door type Single-Flush 20" x 84".
  3. Place the door at each location where the underlay is identified as Type A.
  4. In the Properties Palette, select the door type Single-Flush 24" x 84".
  5. Place the door at each location where the underlay is identified as Type B.
  6. In the Properties Palette, select the door type Double-Flush 40" x 84".
  7. Place the door at each location where the underlay is identified as Type C.
  8. Hit the esc key twice to exit the Door Command

Place Exterior Windows

Windows are hosted elements, so to place hover over a wall and then left click when the preview lines up with where you want to place it.
Hovering your mouse around the outside of the wall will ensure that the window is facing in the correct direction.
  1. On the Architecture tab click on the Window button.
  2. In the Properties Palette, select the window type Casement with Trim 24" x 24".
  3. Place the window at each location where the underlay is identified as Type A.
  4. In the Properties Palette, select the window type Casement with Trim 44" x 24".
  5. Place the window at each location where the underlay is identified as Type B.
  6. In the Properties Palette, select the window type Casement with Trim 24" x 48".
  7. Place the window at each location where the underlay is identified as Type C.
  8. In the Properties Palette, select the window type Casement with Trim 44" x 48".
  9. Place the window at each location where the underlay is identified as Type D.
  10. Hit the esc key twice to exit the Window Command

Change Window Head Height

  1. Open the {3D} 3D View.
  2. Notice that some of the windows that you just placed don't line up vertically with some of the existing windows. Let's look at the windows in the NE Corner of the model.
  3. Select the two Type A windows by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on both of them.
  4. In the properties palette, change the Head Height value to 7' 0"

Head Height

  1. Click Apply at the bottom of the properties palette to confirm the changes and you will see that these windows now line up!
  2. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for window types B C and D separately to make all of them line up as well.

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB01_EX02.rvt

Cover Image Credits: archdaily.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Modeling Walls

Lab01 E1

Previous LessonModeling Walls

This article goes over how to place interior and exterior walls in revit with an underlay.

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Learn how to create simple roofs for your revit models.