
Modeling Roofs

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson you will learn how to create simple roofs for your revit models. We will be doing this based on building footprint, a sketch, and adjusting the properties of the roofs.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Create A Flat Roof

  1. Open Revit File Lab01_E3_Creating Roofs.rvt
  2. Open the Workspace Roof plan view.
  3. On the Architecture Tab click on the little arrow below the Roof button and then click Roof by Footprint.
  4. In the properties palette select the Basic Roof Generic - 12" roof type and set the Base Offset from Level to 0' 0".
  5. Click on the Modify | Create Roof Footprint tab if it's not automatically selected.
  6. Click on the Boundary Line and Line Mode Buttons as shown in the image below. Boundary Line
  7. Uncheck the Defines Slope checkbox. Highlighted in above screenshot.
  8. Create a closed boundary along the inside of the walls as highlighted in the images above in blue.
  9. Click the green check mark button to confirm your boundary sketch.
  10. Open the Carport Roof plan view.
  11. Repeat the above steps to create a roof around the carport. Boundary Line
  12. Click the Modify button on the left side of the Ribbon to end roof creation.
  13. Select the wall shown and attach it to the carport roof with the Attatch Top/Base button in the ribbon then by clicking on the carport roof. Boundary Line

Create a Pitched Roof

  1. Open the Living Area Roof plan view.
  2. On the Architecture Tab click on the little arrow below the Roof button and then click Roof by Footprint.
  3. In the properties palette select the Basic Roof Generic - 12" roof type and set the Base Offset from Level to 0' 0".
  4. Click on the Modify | Create Roof Footprint tab if it's not automatically selected.
  5. This time make sure that the Defines Slope checkbox is enabled.
  6. Create a closed boundary along the inside of the walls as highlighted by the underlay in red.
  7. Confirm your boundary.
  8. If it asks to attach walls, click yes.
  9. Click Modify to quit roof edit mode Boundary Line

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB01_EX03.rvt

Cover Image Credits: xo3d.co.uk

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Doors and Windows

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Previous LessonDoors and Windows

This article goes over how to place doors and windows in your walls.

Modeling Wall Types

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Next LessonModeling Wall Types

Learn how to edit a wall type by substitution-in-place.