
Adjusting Grid Lines

Files you'll need to complete this Lesson

In this lesson learn how to add new grid lines to existing curtain walls and edit existing grid lines and segments. Learn how to pin and unpin elements to prevent or allow changes to the layout

Getting Started

Make sure you have the source files downloaded for this exercise. You can get them with the links above.

Modify North Residence Curtain Wall

  1. Open Revit file: Lab03_E2_Adjusting grid lines.rvt
  2. Open North Residence elevation view.
  3. Our goal is to make the following layout from the current. See before/after below. Before After
  4. Select one of the grid lines. If you are having a hard time clicking on that grid line press the tab key until the line you want is highlighted.
  5. Click on the Add/Remove Segments button in the ribbon. Add Remove
  6. Remove the grid segment required to get this result by clicking on it: Remove 1
  7. Add a full length segment by clicking on the Curtain Grid button on the architecture tab. Curtain Grid
  8. Click on the All Segments button. All Segments
  9. Use midpoint snapping to get the following result: Add v1
  10. Select the All Except Picked option for grid line placement on the Ribbon All Except Picked
  11. Add a horizontal grid line in the center of the section highlighted below by clicking near the middle
  12. Then click on the areas that we don't want grid lines in as shown below, they will then show as dotted. All Except Example
  13. Press enter to confirm
  14. Repeat process using the same strategy until your grid system looks like this: Finished Grid

Add 3D Mullions to the Grid Lines

  1. On the architecture tab click the Mullion button. Mullion Button
  2. Then click on the All Grid Lines button. All Grid Lines Button
  3. Place your cursor over any grid line on the curtain wall and left click with the mouse button to apply 3D mullions over the entire curtain wall Finished

Save your file

Save your file as Spring2024_3262_firstinitial_lastname_LAB03_EX02.rvt

Cover Image Credits: phplusarchitects.com

Read More

Read the next lesson or re-read the last one if you need a refresher.

Creating Curtain Walls

Lab03 E1

Previous LessonCreating Curtain Walls

Learn how to substitute an opaque wall with a curtain wall and define the grid layout through parametric Rules

Creating Curtain Panel Types

Lab03 E3

Next LessonCreating Curtain Panel Types

Learn how to create and replace curtain panel types.